Fingerprint registration should ONLY be submitted following application instructions.
The Commission cannot refund applicants for fingerprinting registrations.
Fieldprint, Inc. (“Fieldprint”) is the official administrator of the Georgia Applicant Processing System (“GAPS”) fingerprinting program for the State of Georgia. By submitting fingerprints to Fieldprint, individuals acknowledge that they have been provided, have read, and understand the Terms & Conditions, eConsent, Fieldprint Privacy Policy, Biometric Disclosure, FBI Privacy Act Statement, and the FBI Non-Criminal Justice Applicant’s Privacy Rights (Title 28 United States Code § 534), and give express consent for the Commission to conduct periodic criminal history background checks for the duration of ownership or employment.
These documents are available in electronic format on the Fieldprint website at the links below:
Terms & Conditions
Fieldprint Privacy Policy
Biometric Disclosure
FBI Privacy Act Statement
FBI Noncriminal Justice Applicant’s Privacy Rights
Need Help?
Contact Fieldprint by email at or by phone at 844-886-0165. Fieldprint also provides Live Chat online here.
Request your own FBI National Criminal Records History Report
Fieldprint is authorized through the U.S. Department of Justice Order 556-73 Title 28 CFR 16 to allow U.S. citizens and permanent resident aliens the ability to request their own FBI National Criminal Records History Report. Individuals typically make these requests for personal review, to challenge the information on record, to satisfy a requirement for adopting a child in the United States or internationally, or to satisfy a requirement to live, work or travel in a foreign country (e.g., police certificate, letter of good conduct, Identity History Summary check, etc.). For more information, visit:
Reviewing Agency: Georgia Access to Medical Cannabis Commission
Reason for Fingerprinting: (Select one) Class 1 or Class 2 Production License
Reason for Fingerprinting: (Select one) Class 1 or Class 2 Production License
IMPORTANT: Fingerprint registration should ONLY be submitted following the application instructions. The Commission cannot refund applicants for fingerprinting registrations. Applicants must register with Fieldprint and receive their confirmation email indicating GMCC has approved the registration prior to being fingerprinted at a Fieldprint Livescan site.
Any new owners or officers since the issuance of the production license or last renewal of such license, whichever occurred later, must register for and submit fingerprints. The Commission shall review the record for all new owners, officers, and the agent of the licensee to ensure there are no drug-related felony convictions, except for felony convictions that are greater than ten years old, are not drug related, or have been expunged or pardoned.
Step-by-step instructions to register
Fingerprinting guide for applicants (PDF)
Schedule an appointment
For new users, please select "Sign Up" at the following link to schedule a Fieldprint appointment.
Livescan locations
To view available fingerprinting locations, please visit this link:
By submitting fingerprints to Georgia Applicant Processing Services, licensees acknowledge that the entity along with all owners, officers, and the agent have been informed of the FBI Noncriminal Justice Applicant’s Privacy Rights and the FBI Privacy Act Statement (Title 28 United States Code § 534) and give express consent for the Commission or Georgia Bureau of Investigation to conduct periodic criminal history background checks for the duration of ownership or employment.
Georgia Procurement Registry Event ID #11232020 (CLOSED January 27, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. ET)
IMPORTANT: Fingerprint registration should ONLY be submitted following the application instructions. The Commission cannot refund applicants for fingerprinting registrations. Applicants must register with Fieldprint and receive their confirmation email indicating GMCC has approved the registration prior to being fingerprinted at a Fieldprint Livescan site.
Applicants are to register the individual identified on the application with GAPS and submit the paid GAPS fingerprint registration receipt as documentation with the application. The GAPS fingerprint registration receipt should be submitted with Applicant’s SCHEDULE B. MANDATORY APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS documentation. While the registration receipt must be submitted with the application by the closing date, applicants cannot be fingerprinted until after the closing date. Following FBI regulations, the Commission must match the registration receipt submitted with an application. After the closing date, the registration will be reviewed by the Commission, matched to the application, and the applicant will be approved for fingerprinting to be scheduled at a GAPS location (see GAPS website for locations). A fingerprint registration is valid for 90 days from the date on the registration receipt; fingerprinting must be completed within this timeframe. By law, the Competitive Application Class 1 and Class 2 Request For Proposal is required to submit at least one set of classifiable electronically recorded fingerprints to Georgia Applicant Processing Services for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) to conduct a criminal background and history check. After reviewing the results of the applicant’s background investigation, the GBI will provide the Commission with the findings.
If selected for award of a license, all persons identified on the application must submit fingerprints prior to production, transportation, or dispensing of any product as a condition of licensure. The Commission shall review the record for all owners, officers, and employees of the applicant to ensure there are no drug-related convictions, except for felony convictions that are greater than ten years old, are not drug related, or have been expunged or pardoned. Any employee found to be in violation of Georgia law for low-THC oil production laws or Commission Rules will result in automatic revocation of the license by the Commission.
By submitting fingerprints to Georgia Applicant Processing Services, applicants acknowledge that the applicant, the company, all owners, officers, and employees have been informed of the FBI Noncriminal Justice Applicant’s Privacy Rights and the FBI Privacy Act Statement (Title 28 United States Code § 534) and give express consent for the Commission or GBI to conduct periodic criminal history background checks for the duration of ownership or employment.